Custom Lego Imperial Star Destroyer

I've always liked Lego's mini models from the Star Wars line, but the mini Star Destroyers always looked a bit awkward to me. Granted, the ship is not an incredibly easy shape to create in mini-scale. So I set out to create my own. And here it is!

Photoshop composite.

Front view.

Comparison reference photo from "STAR WARS: the Essential guide to vehicles and vessels".

Front corner view.

Right side view. Complete with side laser batteries as well as the 4 main ion cannons on the ship's surface (the 4 pieces in a row near the back).

Comparison reference photo from "STAR WARS: the Essential guide to vehicles and vessels".

Back corner view.

 Back view.

Comparison reference photo from "STAR WARS: the Essential guide to vehicles and vessels".

Top view

Comparison reference photo from "STAR WARS: the Essential guide to vehicles and vessels".

Bottom view.

Comparison reference photo. I made sure to design an accurate underbelly for this model as Lego often skips the bottom details. So you can see that I included both hangars as well as the primary power generator.

I placed a mini figure next to it so you can see exactly how large (or small) it really is.

Here's a pic of the interior. It's a bit hard to tell exactly how it's pieced together, but you at least get an idea. Both top sides are attached via hinged pieces on the back and thus can be sloped downward. The entire bottom piece is attached via a rotating mechanism so that it can slope up to the front.